Publication of a new edition of the Radarmeteo Glossary of Agriculture 4.0

The new edition of theGlossary of Agriculture 4.0, one of the results of the 2019 research of the Smart AgriFood Observatory, coordinated by Politecnico di Milano (as part of “ digital innovation”), and by RISE (Research & Innovation for Smart Enterprises) of the University of Brescia, is currently due for release.

Radarmeteo supports and actively participates in the activities of the Observatory and, in this case, has brought its specific contribution of experience and digital approach to the formulation of some vertical analyses, particularly to the new areas of “Meteorology in agriculture” (from page 27) and “Risk management and agriculture 4.0”  (from page 34).

The Glossary is growing; the scientific community, interacting with the territories and users, brings its own significant contribution to the new languages and to the new technologies, promoting the growth and dissemination of the vision proposed by Agriculture 4.0.

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