Risk analysis in agriculture: ISMEA relies on high-resolution weather data from Radarmeteo

Thanks to the recent award of the tender promoted by  ISMEA (Istituto di Servizi per il Mercato Agricolo Alimentare), Radarmeteo will be supplier of services and meteorological data for this important Italian public body which provides information, insurance and financial services to agricultural enterprises, for the next two years.

Thanks to the know-how of the innovative startup Hypermeteo, Radarmeteo will guarantee ISMEA the supply of weather and climate data and technical-scientific support for the mapping and analysis of weather and climate phenomena at national level.

This combination of extremely detailed and representative services and weather-climate data will provide tangible support in guiding national policies in the management of agricultural risksimprovement of the available mutual and insurance products and development of new coverage systems to be implemented within the subsidised risk management system in agriculture.

A significant part of the project will be dedicated to research and development activities for the perfection and testing of models and indicators. This is aimed to support the development of innovative risk management tools and the subsidised insurance system, as well as the development of innovative policies for the zoo-technical sector, and a territorial classification based on one or more agricultural risk indices for the various weather-climate adversities.

Services supplied will also include institutional activities such as reporting to the Ministry of Agriculture in the event of intense meteorological phenomena, participation in risk management conferences, contribution to the preparation of the annual risk management report (DOWNLOAD THE 2021 ISMEA REPORT HERE).

Technological instruments and innovative solutions to add value to the operational decisions made in risk management in agriculture. Radarmeteo intends to contribute to the economy and support communities, sharing its know-how with the territorial organisations and businesses that have to cope with the effects of global heating.

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